The Best Dental Solution For Missing Teeth

Your smile is the root of your confidence, and your teeth are essential for the proper function of your mouth. When you have missing teeth or your mouth is constantly in pain, the only thing you need is a solution. Fortunately, dental implants provide a long-term, highly-effective way to restore your smile and oral health.

At Salvatore Dental, we specialize in creating and installing dental implants for our patients. Join us as we break down everything you need to know about dental implants, or contact us today to schedule your initial visit.


Revitalize Your Smile


Restore Mouth Function


Improve Oral Health


Long-Lasting Results

What Are Dental Implants

Dental implants, in short, are replacement teeth — with roots and all! However, dental implants are secured by a titanium root that is capped with a fake tooth crown. Once the titanium root is implanted, your bone actually adheres to it, resulting in a reliable, sturdy, and visually consistent replacement tooth. This is because the titanium implants we use for this procedure use the same surgical-grade titanium you’ll find used in hip, knee, and other replacements.

The dental implant can be broken down into three components — the implant, which is placed in the jawbone; an abutment, which tops the implant and holds the crown; and finally the crown which tops the abutment and implant to provide you with a functioning, realistic tooth.

Guided Implants


At Salvatore Dental, we’re happy to say that our dental implant services are unmatched in our area, as we use the industry-leading technology to ensure a seamless, precise, and accessible procedure. Dr. Rich has invested in guided implant technology, which allows him to conduct the process digitally to ensure the best results.

First, he will take a 3D scan of your mouth, which can determine whether or not you are a viable candidate for dental implants. If you are, he then continues by designing the implants digitally to ensure they’re perfectly crafted for your mouth. With this technology, we’re able to design your implants around where they will best fit in your mouth. This removes any guesswork, and ensures a flawless job, every time. In fact, when you come in, we’ll use a 3D-printed guide that simply fits over the teeth surrounding where your new implant will be. 

3D guided implants essentially remove the risk of implants as we can map the complete structure of your mouth, know where sensitive areas like nerves or your sinuses are, and plan accordingly to avoid those areas.

This also greatly reduces the time needed to complete the procedure, but beyond that it makes every aspect of the dental implant process predictable. When the time comes, we know how big the implant needs to be, how deep it must be planted, and where exactly we need to place it — dental implants have never been easier, safer, or more reliable!

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How Dental Implants Work

The dental implant process is pleasantly simple, especially when done at Salvatore Dental. For one, we do everything at our office, from the initial consultation to printing guides and installing the implants.

However, the first step of the process is to determine whether or not your mouth will be able to support dental implants. To do this, we use 3D mapping technology to get a scan of your head to examine your mouth and jaw.

Once we determine that you’re a great candidate for dental implants, we get to work planning your implants! Using the 3D scan and renderings of mouth x-rays, Dr. Rich can determine exactly where your implant(s) will need to be placed and plan accordingly.

As we mentioned above, our end goal is to provide you with a dental implant that is in the ideal tooth position, so we can optimize the comfort and function of your mouth. Thus, as Dr. Rich designs your implant digitally, he does so in a way that will ensure perfect placement.

After the 3D rendering is complete, we make it a reality! The first step is to 3D-print the guide that will allow for easy installation. By 3D-printing our dental implant guide, we can then flawlessly execute the installation.

An Overview Of The Guided Dental Implant Process

Step 1

Step 1:

Create A 3D Scan Of Your Mouth

Step 2

Step 2:

Create A 3D Guide To Perfectly Place Your Implant

Step 3

Step 3:

Print The 3D Guide In-Office

Step 4

Step 4:

Surgically Install Dental Implant

Step 5

Step 5:

Allow Implant To Heal For 3-4 Months

Step 6

Step 6:

Install Abutment And Crown On Implant

Step 7

Step 7:

Enjoy Your New Smile!

The guide perfectly compliments Dr. Rich’s years of experience by helping him perfectly place the implant at the right depth and place. What’s more, because so much prep work goes into our dental implants, you’ll spend the minimum amount of time possible in the chair.


Dr. Rich will place the implant in your mouth, and then we’ll spend some time to allow the implant to heal before moving forward. Depending on the placement of your implant, we can work out solutions to provide you with a temporary tooth so you don’t have to go about your day with a blatantly-missing tooth! This healing period typically lasts around three to four months.

Once you’re all healed up, we can install your custom abutment. This goes on top of the implant, and essentially serves to house the crown which resembles your natural teeth.

After the implant is capped with the abutment and crown, you can go about business as usual! Dental implants are flossed and brushed like other teeth, and will look indistinguishable from your other teeth. However, now you can move through the world with confidence in your smile and the reliability of your teeth.

Types Of Dental Implants

While dental implants don’t differ in terms of materials used (at least in our office) they can differ in application. The most common instance where dental implants are used is for a single tooth (or a few teeth) that needs to be replaced. However, did you know that it’s entirely possible to have a full mouth of dental implants?

That’s right! Unfortunately, sometimes people find themselves without any functioning teeth in their mouth — or the ones that are still functioning are well on their way out. In this instance, many people look for solutions that look and feel great while lasting long. Most times, the solution ends up being dentures, however dentures are high-maintenance, and not as effective as a dental implant.


With full mouth dental implants, instead of providing a single implant, we can implant a full set of fake but realistic teeth on both the top and bottom of your mouth. This is done similarly to the process dissected above, but it’s on a larger scale. For one, six implants are placed on both the top and bottom of your mouth. Once the healing is complete, we can then install a permanent set of upper and lower teeth. These implants can only be removed by a dental professional.

We can’t recommend full mouth dental implants enough for those who could benefit from them. While the aspect of getting a full set of permanent fake teeth may seem overwhelming, we promise it’s worth it. Not only will you end the process with a beautiful, functional set of teeth, but you’ll also have the best team of dentists working with you to ensure your comfort and satisfaction at the end of it all.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

While we’ve covered many of the benefits of dental implants through explaining what they are and how they work, we think it’s important to lay the direct benefits out in one place so you can truly see what they have to offer!

As we’ve been saying, the main reasons for dental implants are that they restore function and appearance to your mouth. These are absolutely massive benefits. For one, restoring function to your mouth means that you’ll be able to comfortably and easily chew your food, speak clearer and more easily as your mouth will return to the correct oral posture, and finally you won’t be experiencing the oral pain or discomfort that lead you to implants in the first place.

And as far as appearance goes, while looks aren’t everything, as dentists we fully understand the importance of a beautiful smile. When you’re not happy with how your teeth look, you likely hide your smile. This reality of dental issues breaks our hearts because we love seeing people smile, and hate when people are afraid to smile because their teeth are holding them back.

With a mouth full of radiant, healthy-looking teeth, you’ll regain your confidence which will help you in all areas of your life. From relationships to your professional experiences, you can focus on the interactions you have and the work you do, instead of worrying about your teeth.

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Before committing to any dental or medical procedure, it’s imperative that you think long and hard about how it could benefit you, if it’s right for you, and if it’s within your budget to get the procedure done. With dental implants, it may seem like a no brainer, but there are a few things that you should consider.


If you’re working with Salvatore Dental, the decision process is as easy as ever. For one, we offer the best and most high-tech practices for designing and installing dental implants. What’s more, we can do everything in-house, lowering costs and making the process easier. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, we’re experts in what we do. When you contact Dr. Rich to get started, he’ll work with you to determine if you’re a viable candidate for dental implants using our impressive guided implant technology. Then, if it’s determined that dental implants are right for you, we can move forward with the process.

If you’re not able to work with Salvatore Dental, it’s okay! Just ensure that you’re doing your due diligence to vet the dental care provider and deem whether or not they use reliable dental implant methods.

First, make sure that they do 3D dental scans for implants. While this technology is not yet used across the board, it should be. Due to the nature of 3D dental scans, you can determine whether or not implants are right for you without ever having to undergo surgery or intensive inspections.

If your dentist does use 3D scans, here are some direct questions you can ask to determine if your dentist is a good fit for implants.

  1. What formal education does your dentist have regarding implants?
    1. Who trained them?
    2. How long did it take?
    3. When were they trained?
  2. Does the dentist use 3D CT scanning technology?
  3. Will the implant and crown be placed in the same office space?
  4. How will the dentist accommodate your unique medical profile and needs?
  5. Will your dentist be available after the procedure takes place?

When it comes to these questions, you should be getting positive, thorough answers that are clear and easy to understand. If your dentist cannot answer these questions, or isn’t clear in how they answer these questions, we highly suggest finding a different dental service provider.

The biggest hurdles when it comes to implants are the cost and the initial work that needs done. If you’re worried about the cost but need implants, simply contact us! We’ll be happy to talk through options and alternatives if needed. And when it comes to the initial work, because the implants require a considerable amount of healing time, you’ll have to undergo a transition period that you may not be suited for. Again, if this is a concern, we’ll be happy to talk with you.

Ready For Dental Implants?

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Dental Implants vs Dentures Or Bridges

Now, let’s take a moment to compare and contrast dental implants with some other common solutions for missing teeth.



Dentures are extremely common, as they provide a relatively easy-to-use-and-care-for set of replacement teeth that look pretty realistic and function decently well. However, if you’ve used dentures, there are a variety of short and long term reasons why they’re not the best option. First and foremost, dentures can be uncomfortable, as they’re essentially prosthetic teeth. Instead of being formed to stay in your mouth, they must be cemented in place to use and don’t feel like natural teeth. What’s more, denture cement can also inhibit the wearer from tasting their food.

Additionally, because dentures are not permanently positioned in your mouth, they can move around when you eat food. This a) causes discomfort and inconvenience, and b) prevents you from properly chewing your food.

And finally, when it comes to dentures, you run the risk of bone recession over the long term. When you don’t have teeth that are constantly in your mouth applying pressure to your jaw, it begins to deteriorate. If your jaw bone recedes, it can cause pain and lead to complications with your mouth.

When comparing dentures and dental implants, there is really no contest. With dental implants, you won’t experience any of the negative effects associated with dentures, as you’ll have a permanent set of implants that are performing in your mouth as natural teeth — no more cement, no discomfort, no loss of taste, and most importantly, no bone recession!

Because implants act like natural teeth, they don’t inhibit taste or require cements or other products to hold them in place. Plus, because the dental implant is placed in your jaw bone, it provides the resistance needed to support your jaw bone and keep it healthy.

Dental Bridges


Dental bridges have been the standard for replacing a missing tooth for quite some time, with implants only now beginning to take center stage. While brides are totally viable options, they are actually inferior to dental implants for a few reasons. The biggest downside to the dental bridge comes in the long term.

Because dental bridges position a fake tooth in between real, healthy teeth, over time you run the risk of those healthy teeth disintegrating. This is because bacteria has a tendency to become trapped under bridges which will corrode healthy teeth.

On the less severe side of things, dental bridges are also inferior in the sense that they look less realistic than implants, and also require replacements where implants can last your lifetime.

When a client is trying to decide between bridges or dentures and implants, we’ll always recommend the implants. That said, we’d be remiss to address some of the real world concerns you may have. Unfortunately, dental implants are not a viable option for all clients due to the price. If you’re unable to afford the dental implants you need, we’ll work with you to provide the best alternative and even potential solutions to get you the implants you’re looking for.

Dental implants are arguably the most impressive and reliable dental procedure to replace lost teeth of all time. Especially with the sophisticated 3D guided implants we use at Salvatore Dental, they’re not only ultra-effective, but they also offer the most comfort and best appearance out of all the tooth replacement services you can find.

While the premise of getting metal implanted in your jaw can seem intimidating, remember that this procedure is navigated using technology that makes the actual implementation fast, safe, and as easy as ever.

If you’ve been searching for a direct line to the smile you’ve been dreaming of, inquire about dental implants today.

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