Hi, I'm Dr. Vera Salvatore at Salvatore Dental, and I have many patients that ask me questions about veneers. What are they? So, I'm going to take the time today to go over some of these questions and answers and give you a better understanding.

What are dental veneers?

You know, dental veneers, think of it as a porcelain shell. It is a shell that covers the teeth so it can hide any imperfections, any spaces. If the teeth are chipped or crooked, also any discolorations. It can make your smile really beautiful.

When is a good time for me to get veneers?

The answer really is, if you're looking for cosmetic enhancement to improve your confidence, to smile bigger in pictures and family photos, it's the time. You know, dental veneers, they only make things better, boost your confidence, they make things even more aesthetic.

Should I get a crown or should I get a veneer? What is the difference between a veneer and a crown?

The biggest difference is that with veneers, we don't have to remove a lot of tooth structure. We can stay very conservative. In fact, think in millimeters, half a millimeter is how much we would need to remove of your natural tooth in order to make the veneer fit nicely in your mouth. With a crown, it is circumferential, so we would have to remove some more of your tooth structure. So my choice is always to remove less and have more of your natural tooth and thus give you a better smile for a long period of time.

How long is the process for me to get my veneers?

The process takes two appointments. So the first appointment, you're going to come in, we're going to shape your teeth nicely, take lots of photos with you, discuss shape and shade and what your vision is for the final outcome. And you're going to leave that day with beautiful temporary veneers. For your second visit, we're going to remove your temporary veneers and bond the final porcelain shells.

Will the veneers match my natural tooth color?

Everybody's different. Some patients come in and they say, I want the whitest white smile ever. Hollywood. That's what I want. And we can make it happen. Some patients say, nope, I want natural. I want things to look beautiful and we can make that happen. So it's a very personal decision, but we can certainly work with you and decide together what works best for you.

What are the differences between porcelain and composite veneers?

The main difference is that porcelain veneers are more durable and they last longer. Composite veneers are not as durable and don't last as long because they may chip and they may stain. So for patients that are, let's say, heavy coffee drinkers or enjoy red wine, I wouldn't recommend composite veneers because they're going to have to be replaced in a matter of five, six, eight years. Somebody who's looking for a more long-lasting smile, I would recommend porcelain. Porcelain veneers do not stain with red wine or coffee. They don't chip. They last longer and they can provide a much better esthetic result.

How do I take care of my veneers?

I want them to last a long time. Well, for somebody who has veneers herself, all of my teeth are veneered. The answer is easy. You know, you just have to brush twice a day. You have to floss. You have to rinse. You have to get your regular checkups. If you do all those things, your veneers will be there for you for a long time and you will have a nice, beautiful smile.

How much do veneers cost?

Veneers are an expensive procedure and can range anywhere from $900 all the way up to $2,000 per tooth. Everything depends on the patient, how they present clinically, what's possible to do, and also what the patient desires. Luckily, we do free veneer consultations. We can discuss all those factors with you. And then you can make that financial decision as well.

Are there financing options available for dental veneers?

Yes, there are. Fortunately, we work with about seven different financing companies, and we can make the financing plan as suitable to your needs as possible, where the finances can be broken down into monthly installments.

Does insurance cover the cost of veneers?

Unfortunately, they do not. It is considered a cosmetic procedure and, very rarely do we see that the insurance benefits will cover any portion of the veneers.

How do I schedule a veneer appointment?

You can call our office at (518) 868-6900. Ask one of our friendly girls that you would like to come in for a free consultation. They'll get you right in. We'll discuss your needs and wants, and see what's possible for you to enhance your smile.

I hope this was helpful to you guys in answering some of the most common questions that we hear about dental veneers. And if you wish to come in and schedule a consultation, please give us a call at (518) 868-6900. We're here for you. We're here to help.

Giving Teeth a New Look

Veneers are the ultimate technique for smile rehabilitation! As a cosmetic dentistry technique, veneers are thin, porcelain facings that are bonded over the front teeth. This restorative technique is popular because it is minimally invasive and offers realistic and long-lasting shine for years to come!

At Salvatore Dental, our experienced dentists understand the importance of a beautiful and healthy smile. That's why we take great care in creating natural-looking veneers that are customized to fit your unique smile. With a highly skilled and dedicated team, you can trust that the results will be both aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting!

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Simple, Effective Cosmetic Dentistry


Have you ever wondered it if were possible to just re-surface your teeth? Rather than trying to whiten away stains, couldn’t we just apply some sort of paint or product that gives our teeth a new look without attempting to undo the natural staining that occurs as we age? Well, veneers provide just such an answer. Whether your teeth are stained from poor oral habits in the past or have simply lost their luster in recent years, veneers can give you an all-new look in one simple procedure.

At Salvatore Dental, your cosmetic dentist can quickly and easily apply veneers that are specially made to fit over your natural tooth and provide an all-new surface to eat, brush, and smile with! Best of all, you won’t have to take them in and out all the time, you’ll get a white, real-looking tooth to enjoy for years to come without any extra effort on your part. You get to enjoy a brand-new smile in about as much time as it takes for a standard cleaning!

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Who Benefits From Veneers

While just about anyone with stained or unsightly teeth typically benefits from veneers, there are a few criteria that define the ideal patient for this cosmetic dentistry service, including:

  • Strong, healthy natural teeth to place veneers upon; those without a healthy tooth should consider an alternative, such as a crown, bridge, or dental implant
  • Stained teeth that just won’t get back to their original whiteness
  • Teeth that are lacking suitable enamel on their faces can lead to more damage down the road
  • Teeth that have a minor twist
  • Covering a small gap or compensating for an overlap
  • Natural staining from tooth aging
  • Environmental stains, such as from smoking and coffee

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After Your Veneers


Once you have a veneers on your teeth, they will function almost identical to your original tooth. When you go to the dentist, they will check up on the strength and bond of your veneers to assess if any or all of them need to be repaired or replaced. Otherwise, you can continue to brush and floss as normal. It is worth noting: Veneers are not stain-proof, so if you continue any bad habits that may have caused your original teeth to stain, you could risk re-staining your veneers.

Get Started Today

For added convenience, patients can have veneers applied as a same-day cosmetic solution. With this process, our dentists in Saratoga Springs can custom craft a smile that not only looks beautiful but also functions naturally. Whether you are hoping to whiten your teeth or protect the surface of natural teeth, veneers can provide an instant solution.

As Malta’s premier family and cosmetic dentistry, the team at Salvatore Dental in Saratoga Springs is dedicated to helping each and every patient achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. Our experienced and knowledgeable dentists are always available to answer any questions you may have about the veneer procedure. With our help, you can be confident that you’ll get the best results possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started on your journey to the perfect smile today!

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