
Judy Judy
Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Glens Falls

The first job I ever had: Working at a stationary store.

Why did you decide on a Dental Field? I liked science fields and working with people.

Hobbies and Interests: Spending time with friends and family.

What is something people don’t know about you? I became a grandma this year.

What is your favorite food? Harvest pizza.

Support Staff

Kayleigh Kayleigh
Dental Assistant

Hometown: Schuylerville, NY.

The first job I ever had: Bed Stripper at the Holiday Inn.

Why did you decide on a Dental Field? I love helping people and know how important teeth are! Clean, healthy and happy mouth, can change a life!

Hobbies and Interests: Hanging with my baby girl, listening to true crime podcasts and going down the crime rabbit holes.

What is something people don’t know about you? I love history! And I went ghost hunting in Gettysburg.

What is your favorite food? Thanksgiving Dinner.

Elle Elle
Dental Assistant

Hometown: Scranton, PA

The first job I ever had: Student assistant at a library.

Why did you decide on a Dental Field? I always loved going to the dentist as a kid and I realized it was a field that I would excel in that would allow me to help people with their health and confidence.

Hobbies and Interests: Crafting, paddleboarding, hiking, reading, and skiing.

What is something people don’t know about you? I had congenitally absent wisdom teeth and only had them on the left side of my mouth.

What is your favorite food? Pierogis with applesauce and sour cream.

Oksana Oksana
Facilities Manager

Hometown: Ivano- Frankivsk, Ukraine.

The first job I ever had: Babysitter.

Why did you decide on a dental field: Love to help people and working with a Team!

Hobbies and Interests: Taking care of Grandchildren, Gardening and Cats.

What is something people do not know about you: Competed at a swim competition at a very young age.

What is your favorite food: Vareniki.